
Monday, June 11, 2012

Environmental problems and catastrophes of the modern world!

Environmental problems of the modern world are many. Probably not many of us will rememberfor a long time now otshumevshuyu environmental catastrophe with an insecticide such as "Thiodan" occurred in 1969 on the Rhine River, when, because 50 kilogram lain in the river twoyears, there was a striking, multi-million dollar marine fish. Maybe our fathers remembered asa terrible environmental disaster in Seveso, when a cloud of dioxin emissions in the chemical factory town of about one and a half years he was an uninhabited area. We have evenwitnessed in 20 years as a planet's surface Aral Sea has disappeared ...

And accidents and disasters occur suddenly, and although as a rule, are local in nature, their environmental impact can be spread over long distances and capture large areas. At the same time have the greatest risk of radiation accident at the facilities (nuclear power plants, processing plants and nuclear fuel, etc.), chemical plants, oil and gas pipelines, maritime and railway transportation, dams, reservoirs, etc.The largest in the XX century, man-caused disaster occurred in April 1986 the Chernobyl (Ukraine). The total number of victims exceeded 9 million people, 29 died from acute radiation sickness. The total area of ​​contamination along the isoline 0.2 mR / hr (more than 10 times the norm) was already in the early days of the accident about 0.2 million km2, it has covered many areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and several regions of Russia. The Chernobyl disaster, according to some experts, was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union.The scale of disaster is so frightening to the ecosystem of the planet, that humanity has for centuries will pay for their mistakes, if not kill myself sooner, but to try to do it in 1979 in Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk). Then the release of anthrax spores killed several hundred people in a radius of three kilometers from the source distribution - Institute of Virology.We are killing ourselves, we exterminate the flora and fauna of the planet, polluting water, soil and air, which are necessary as a living wage for all living things inhabiting our planet, creating for themselves new and emerging environmental problems.Nuclear attack on Hiroshima, which occurred in 1945 brought not only humanitarian but also an ecological disaster. According to analysts' estimates the number of deaths in 1980 exceeded 98,000 lives, and continues to this day to collect their terrible toll in the form of cancers and high levels of radiation, destroying the population. But this is hardly an example of a person carefully taught to deal with what may be the cause of his destruction. No, we do not stop there. In 1979 the U.S. on the reactor, "Three Mile Island" due to the failure of systems and negligent operators spewed radioactive gases into the atmosphere. This is a list of tens of different examples of ecological catastrophes in the world, alternately polluting the environment, and today seems to stop this vicious circle is not. The man destroying everything by itself will disappear like the dinosaurs, which existed at the top of the food chain of the Earth 160 million years old, disappeared from the surface of the planet about 65 million years ago.

After the appearance of the said international public environmental organization based in Vancouver, Canada September 15, 1971 David McTaggart called Greenpeace in the early look pathetic mockery of attempts to try to solve global environmental problems, trying to attract the attention of the public. However, to date, Greenpeace movement has about a dozen major projects, among which we should mention the Marine project, the oil, as well as a project to prevent catastrophic climate change. However, given the fact that the organization is funded entirely by private donations, for thirty years of existence of a handful of activists of the movement has become a powerful international organization, which exists in more than 40 countries.Increasingly, the media showed footage of the activists as someone trying to enter the tanker carrying crude oil, beleaguer someone train with nuclear waste. There's even a big victory Greenpeace in the uphill struggle for the environment, for example, the abolition of flooding the oil platform Brent Spar called. Some members of the organization managed to get to this facility and chained themselves to it.But it is unlikely a person understands the true danger of what is happening now on our planet.We are hostages of the century car technology. After all, everyone knows that the development of electric vehicles that could replace the cars with internal combustion engines, has been blighted in the bud purchase of patents for the development of this oil company magnates. Why kill the oil business, bringing hundreds of billions of dollars annually, if you can take the "cream" is not investing in new assembly line for environmentally friendly cars.Each of us knows that September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, but how many people know that this day is also the Day of Remembrance of the man killed. For every 60 minutes on the planet disappears in about three species of flora and fauna. It is easy to calculate that for the complete destruction of all life on earth, including plants, need only about sixteen and a half thousand years. Only by the mid-twentieth century, we destroyed 67 species of mammals and 142 species of birds.In 2006 at the Sundance Film Festival and premiered sadly notorious film "An Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim. In November, box office receipts have exceeded $ 20 million, and the film is now at the box office fourth in the world during the existence of documentary films. In 2007, the band has received two Oscar nominations in the "documentary" and "Song for the film", and the American Film Institute named it one of the biggest events of the year. The film is based on the events, telling about global environmental problems on our planet.Today the average temperature of the planet has risen by about 0,7 ° C since the beginning of the industrial revolution technology. But strangely large proportion of the specified temperature increased only in the last 50-60 years. And this wave is caused by human activity, namely the emission of gases into the atmosphere in today's society called the greenhouse effect. What is the risk due to climate warming on the earth? Increase in sea level? - Yes, the process is already running, and even in the case of stabilization of emissions of gases into the atmosphere changes will continue for several millennia. And this will inevitably lead to a redistribution of rainfall on the planet. As a result of the above occurrence of natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts.Of course, we all understand that the welfare of civilization is unattainable without the use of natural resources. Today, their consumption has reached colossal proportions. But if anyone thought of us as far as this natural enough for even the well-being? How many other environmental ills can sustain our Mother Earth. All the same, sometime in the distant future, will have to convert factories to new types of fuel consumption as a result of depletion of natural, so why not do it now? Why not start saving now, not waiting until the bowels begin to sag developed on our planet and environmental problems do not destroy humanity?

But who said that our abode safely demolish all the troubles and sufferings, which we deliver it? Who said that the planet does not resist the violent way of life on it? Now among the flora, there are 450 species of predators. Living in areas with poor soil and lack of nutrients, they chose the right way to survive in its environment. They feed on these types of mostly small reptiles and insects, which have to catch careless in their green embrace.Unfortunately, due to the change of generations of mankind, the terrible pages of history fairly quickly erased from the memory of our ancestors. A person does not have time to learn hard lessons terrible ecological disasters that claimed millions of lives units associated with careless negligence technicians, operators, drivers, electricians.The planet still suffers, sometimes snapping, then she meekly blows deforestation, burning fields, depletion of mineral resources is not giving anything in return other than a terrible scar on her rich black earth body. It freezes when testing new weapons capable of cold neglect to make it uninhabitable desert, the same as dozens of stars in galaxies sisters, do not store any spark of life, committing a silent monotone way. But how well did I want to believe that people can understand the depth of the environmental precipice, from the edge of which it is located just one wrong step. Today it is too late. There is still a chance that we learn to live in symbiosis with our "green house". With the cradle, which is given when the world Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Blok. With that amazing beautiful globe that gave life to billions of living creatures subspecies alongside subspecies, referred to as a person. How in fact want that all our environmental problems, disasters and calamities in the past...

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