Deforestation can keep wild animals without a home !
the border with China, there are two mighty rivers Amur and Ussuri
River, which created one of the most amazing places where nature exists
in its original form.However, as the reporter found out Tom Barton, the offensive captains of industry puts its future in jeopardy.Tiger named Deep time for dinner. He was picked up starving to death, when he was only six months. He is now 19 years old, has a pair of platinum artificial teeth. This Siberian tiger is one of the endangered species, writes the news agency Kazakhstan-Grain.Tom Barton, a correspondent: Forests in the region - home to several rare species of big cats. However,
they are also full of loggers, sawmills and poachers who earn good here
and because of that same leopards and tigers were on the verge of
extinction.Ludmila takes care of the tigers, bears, reindeer ... Yes, perhaps on each wounded beast who falls for her at the center. In addition, it is closely monitoring poaching and forestry, which affects the habitats of animals, about which she cares.Ludmila Kruglov, Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation: Tigers need a very large area to survive. At one point, can not get along a lot of individuals. A forestry discourages animals they hunt, and the Tigers have to leave.Hence, the problem boils down to that endless Russian forests disappearing in strong mill industry. This new timber-processing plant located in the Far East, absorbs up to 800,000 cubic meters of timber per year. And the production is expanding.But in the factory of the forest are not worried, because, they said, workers - are responsible loggers.Volodymyr Liashenko, timber-processing plant "Arkaim": Wood-renewable resource.Unlike coal or oil. We plant trees to replace those cut down, so that future generations have enough to spare.But environmentalists see the big picture in a completely different light. According to them, credible reports of rampant deforestation does not exist. And they warn that Russia's forests are not as endless as the timber barons think.Denis
Smirnov, Amur branch of WWF: As soon as we start talking about the fact
that the pristine forests had very little power and industrialists are
beginning to get angry. They argue that human rights organizations are trying to close their businesses.However, there are those who are trying to rebuild cut forests. Employees
of this project, local authorities are collected and sifted pine seeds,
grow them from the young trees and plant them. But they acknowledge that it is not keeping pace with deforestation.Ivan Denisov, head of the local project woodland: In a normal year we have been able to restore the carved wood. But if a forest fire happens, and we ten years'll manage. That is, we are doomed to failure.In Lyuty no problems. He brought food. But his relatives somewhere in the wild forest, soon may be no escape.
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