
Monday, June 11, 2012

Ecology - a comprehensive science!

Ecology - a complex science. Speaking in a nutshell, it examines the relationship between the animate and inanimate nature. Wildlife - are living organisms (plants, animals, fungi, viruses) and their community. Inanimate nature - it is the habitat in which all living things (including people) there. Two Greek word "oikos" (house) and "logos" (the science) are the name of science "ecology" - means the science of the house. For a man - a residential building, for animals - forest, field, mountain, for the fish - sea, lakes and rivers. For all together - a whole planet. Shared accommodation is sometimes like a fight for survival in space and time in natural and artificially modified human conditions. Ecology is designed to explore all the intricacies of the process of co-existence of individual residents of our great "utility" of the apartment and the impact on each other.Life on Earth is in full swing everywhere. Flora and fauna exists not for itself, it depends on its environment (climate, soil, water and air temperatures). In the long process of historical development of plants and animals have learned to adapt to existing environmental conditions.Many people mistakenly believe that ecology studies the issues related only to the environment. This occurred because of an incorrect interpretation of the implications of thoughtless human influence on the environment.In fact, the environment affects a much larger range of issues. So what matters is studying ecology?A. By nature environment in which organisms live. Highlights - is the climate and natural resources. Natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, the collapse) often lead to a breach of customary life, turning everything around.Two. Mutual existence of living organisms and their communities in the world among themselves. Violation of the settled nature of the equilibrium between the different living organisms (plants and herbivores feeding on them, herbivores and predators).Three. Man's relation to nature is also the subject of study. Occurring in the nature of the changes due to human intervention (deforestation, construction of dams, construction of industrial plants ...). This violates the nature of nature, pollute the surrounding world, which has a negative effect on all life, including in humans.The main target of scientific research ecologists - nature itself. Environmentalists are watching what is happening not only in the field, leaving the expedition, but also in the stationary (laboratory) conditions. Long-term observations are accompanied by conducting laboratory experiments, followed by the extension of scientific theories to explain the phenomena occurring.Only by studying all the issues in the complex, you can get a full picture of what is happening, to be able to predict the course of further development.Only in recent time, mankind has been thinking about the importance of environmental issues. Due to the results produced by research, you can try to anticipate and learn how to prevent a devastating impact of negative factors. Environmental literacy is relevant to modern people.

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