Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Biofuels. Stir in the wrong direction?
Modern concepts consider biofuels as a green alternative to oil is less harmful to the environment. However, according to two scientists, as expressed by them in the pages of Bioenergetics (GCB Bioenergy), the benefits of biofuels are overrated.
According to researchers, estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biofuel production and use do not include important information, which led to distortion.
Criticism of scientists focused on the model of life cycle analysis (Life Cycle Analysis, LCA) of biofuel production. Life cycle analysis is used to collect, collate and examine all the factors associated with the production, use and disposal of fuel or product. The authors concluded that the adopted model of LCA overestimates the positive aspects of biofuels compared to fossil fuels. The current assessment ignores CO2 emissions from vehicles running on biofuels.
Supporters of biofuels believe that this carbon should not be taken into account, because he collected plants grown for processing into fuel, and only returned to nature. Critics argue that in this case, biofuels do not reduce the level of carbon in the atmosphere. Biofuels can reduce carbon emissions only if it stimulates further growth of plants or uses for the production of biomass waste, which decompose with the release of carbon anyway.
Revaluation of bioenergy is further enhanced when one considers that there is still little attention paid to emissions of nitrogen fertilizer required for the cultivation of plant material. According to lead study author Dr. Keith Smith (Keith Smith) from the University of Edinburgh: "Emissions of N2O from the soil makes a huge contribution to global warming, which is associated with the culture of production. Each kilogram of N2O in the atmosphere has roughly the same effect as 300 kilograms of CO2 ».
Dr. Smith argues that current methods of life cycle analysis underestimated the percentage of nitrogen in fertilizers, which is actually released into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. The authors believe that the observed increase in atmospheric N2O shows that this percentage is actually almost twice that used in assessing the life cycle of biofuels, which significantly changes the results.
Given that the results of life cycle assessment is widely used, researchers Keith Smith and Timothy Sichinger (Timothy Searchinger) from Princeton University, concluded that the overall development of alternative fuels is moving in the wrong direction.
"The best opportunity to make a useful biofuel, is a waste treatment or focus on relatively moist, but very meager soil," - said Dr. Smith. "If bioenergy crops grown on degraded land will be allocated fewer greenhouse gases and more contact. Additional advantages of this approach - biofuels will not compete with food production, textiles and other goods. "
Solar energy will save the Earth
Stories about the coming end of the world this coming Friday, or, in extreme cases, the following Tuesday - no number. With an enviable constancy periodically on the horizon, there is a regular preacher calling to save souls in anticipation of the impending disaster. However, despite the fact that the accident did not happen, the real probability of collision with the Earth by a stray celestial body is real.
Thus, the scientists found in 2004 an asteroid Apophis in 2009, flew past Earth at a distance of 500,000 kilometers. According to the forecasts in the 2029-m celestial body weight 260 million tons may be close to our planet is much closer distance is reduced by an order of about 30-40 thousand miles. If this happens, then maybe an asteroid will sweep away a few satellites and affect the trajectory of the Earth. However, most adverse projections for 2036, when all there is some probability of a collision with Apophis.
The odds of collision is small, about 1:250,000. This figure was taken by researchers from the University of Strathclyde (Strathclyde), Glasgow, Scotland, Massimiliano Vasile (Massimiliano Vasile) and Christie Maddock (Christie Maddock). But what would you do if over time it became clear that a collision has yet to happen? Of course, a realistic scenario is the observation of the forthcoming apocalypse from under the bed is quite likely, but it can unconditionally accept perhaps that motley followers of "guru."
Some scientists consider it necessary to develop a global early warning system. Forewarned - forearmed. However, the extent of possible disaster is so great that the warning about it is not enough. The explosion of 510 megatons of power will inevitably lead to the deaths of millions of people to prevent it, except surveillance systems need a specific tool.
The work involves Maddock and Vasile, and practical advice. To fight Apophis, and perhaps with other such aliens, the researchers propose to use a technique known as laser ablation, a method of removing material by a laser pulse, as it qualifies Wikipedia.
In the outer scale of the proposal of scientists looks like this. The rays are directed several lasers on the surface of the asteroid, where, under the combined effect of radiation is the sublimation of a solid, its transition to a gaseous state bypassing the liquid. From the solid matter is a cloud of dust and small debris.
Laser ablation - not a new technique. However, so far as the source of the laser beam was considered a massive nuclear-powered power plant. Scientists at Strathclyde suggest instead to use compact and lightweight solar lasers.
The advantages of solar technology are obvious. They do not need a "change batteries", they do without the periodic supply of energy sources, mistakes and failures in one of the lasers will not lead to a denial of the whole system, problems with cooling small lasers are solved by cheaper methods.
In theory, lasers can work on very distant objects, if not turn them to dust in its entirety, giving them a boost, enough to change the trajectory.
Of course, it is only a theoretical idea. Scientists recognize that its implementation will require the "efficiency of the laser and solar cell at the upper limit of what is currently achievable in laboratory conditions," but the technology
As scientists, "Plant For" chemistry.
Chemistry, of course, is hardly ecologically pure science, but researchers are working to make it safer for the planet. Here are a few examples of how chemists improve the level of environmental responsibility by improving the chemical processes used in the manufacture of drugs, plastics and other products.
Water, water everywhere
When the two chemicals react, they usually need the liquid medium. She speaks frequently toxic solvents. When the reaction is over, chemists have to either pour it, or try to recycle. Environmentally friendly alternative is the use of safe solvent - water.
Bruce Lipschutz University of California developed a tiny bubble-shaped particles (nanoparticles) that allow to carry out the reaction in water. Chemicals get into the particles, where the environment is great for interaction, and the result is a product. Due to the high concentration of the reaction, they can proceed at room temperature. Scientists do not have to activate the reaction heat, and it saves time and energy.
Call to the aid of microbes
Another way to make the reaction take place in a water-based, not solvent, is the use of microbes. Scientists are working on micro-organisms to produce useful molecules, as a rule, enzymes whose job is to carry out chemical reactions in solutions of water-based. Chemists can use microbes or simply their enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions in aqueous solution.
For example, Jay Kizling University of California, is developing microorganisms for the production of certain molecules. Several years ago, he placed more than a dozen genes in normal bacterium Escherichia coli and yeast fungus, which allowed the body to produce an antimalarial drug which is very expensive to produce by other means. A scientist examines a method for the production of drugs for HIV and environmentally friendly biofuels that can replace fuel-based minerals, such as gasoline.
A short synthesis of
Other scientists modify existing chemical compounds to make them environmentally friendly. For example, the laboratory synthesis of drug heparin, which prevents the formation of blood clots in people with heart disease usually takes 50 steps, and each of them generate waste.
Last year, Robert Lienhard from the Polytechnic Institute in upstate New York, USA, shortened the process to 12 steps. In the course of its implementation produce less waste, increases the yield of drugs that reduce the cost of production.
One common way to accelerate the chemical reaction is the use of a catalyst, usually metal, which facilitates the passage of the reaction. Shannon became the University of Wisconsin-Madison has developed a way to use the catalytic metal palladium and copper for the separation of hydrogen from a number of chemicals. When hydrogen combines with oxygen, the resulting product is water.
As a rule, chemists, carrying out large-scale reactions, limiting the access of oxygen, because it can cause explosions. The scientist also proposed a way to minimize this risk by conducting the reaction in the liquid flowing through the pipes instead of one large tank.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Environmentalists insist on declaring the Gulf of Mexico "dead zone".
The oil industry is not the only culprit of slow destruction of the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico. According
to environmental organizations in its latest statement, the area of
the Gulf of Mexico the size of Massachusetts to declare a "dead
zone". The reason is the severe pollution of the Mississippi River. As
environmentalists say, the level of oxygen in the water in the area
just sufficient to maintain the normal life of marine animals and
Therefore, recently a number of environmental organizations, including the Council for the Protection of Natural Resources, has been sued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its failure to tighten the regulation of wastewater and the conformity of the river water quality standards. In particular, the defenders called on EPA to test the water in the Gulf of Mexico to the level of nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate excessive growth of algae that consume precious oxygen in the water. According to the Gulf Restoration Network Organization (GRN), in the Mississippi River reaches 41 percent of sewage from all American businesses, and with them - a huge amount of fertilizers and other chemicals from farms and cities across the country. Every summer, as soon as the water warms up in the Gulf, the volume of these microscopic organisms increases, thereby suppressing the development of the marine ecosystem.
At the same time, environmentalists say, and about poor water quality upstream. Thus, in the season, and Raccoon rivers in Des Moines found extremely high levels of nitrates. In order to keep the water of these rivers was suitable for drinking, requires special handling.Matthew
Roth, Director of Water Policy in the GRN, said that the Mississippi
and the Gulf of Mexico for decades been the "national collectors," but
now they need to be cleaned.The time has come when the EPA should take appropriate action.It
is worth noting that in 2008, environmentalists have appealed to the
Office for Environmental Protection, calling for greater involvement in
the control of pollution of the Mississippi River. However,
if their application was dismissed with the statement that
international water quality standards "are not an effective solution of
significant water issues facing the American nation."
Therefore, recently a number of environmental organizations, including the Council for the Protection of Natural Resources, has been sued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its failure to tighten the regulation of wastewater and the conformity of the river water quality standards. In particular, the defenders called on EPA to test the water in the Gulf of Mexico to the level of nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate excessive growth of algae that consume precious oxygen in the water. According to the Gulf Restoration Network Organization (GRN), in the Mississippi River reaches 41 percent of sewage from all American businesses, and with them - a huge amount of fertilizers and other chemicals from farms and cities across the country. Every summer, as soon as the water warms up in the Gulf, the volume of these microscopic organisms increases, thereby suppressing the development of the marine ecosystem.
Wind farms can cause a localized greenhouse effect .
results of the study, which was recently conducted by a group of
scientists from the University of Albany, New York, raised fears that
wind farms can lead to a significant increase in the temperature of the
earth. According to researchers, it may even become a serious obstacle to further development of wind energy. Researchers
examined data from meteorological satellites, Nolan and Taylor received
on the territory of West Texas, which are four largest U.S. wind
power. They
found that over the past 10 years the temperature of the earth at night
has increased by 0.72 degrees Celsius, compared with areas where there
are no wind turbines. (For
the record, the growth rate of global warming associated with excessive
fuel combustion accounts for only around 0.2 degrees Celsius over the
same period).
However, the researchers say, and that before coming to any conclusions, further research is needed. In particular, the same data from weather satellites to be collected in other parts of the United States and around the world, where the installed wind power, and carefully analyzed. In addition, scientists warn that the data on such localized "greenhouse effect" should not be compared with data on global warming.Raising the temperature of the earth in a particular area may be due to two reasons. One is the heat dissipated by the wind turbines and associated electrical transformers and switches. Another factor may be a localized warming of the warm air, which is due to operation of wind turbines is moved from the upper to the lower layers of the atmosphere.What kind of threat is a "greenhouse effect" in a particular area? First, it is worth noting that the land on which wind turbines are installed and actively used by farmers to grow crops. Therefore, if the findings are confirmed, and the growth temperature of the earth affect the decline in yields, farmers will no longer use the land for agricultural purposes.This in turn could lead to a decrease in the production of cereals and other crops and as a consequence, the emergence of an unfavorable situation with the provision of food.
However, the researchers say, and that before coming to any conclusions, further research is needed. In particular, the same data from weather satellites to be collected in other parts of the United States and around the world, where the installed wind power, and carefully analyzed. In addition, scientists warn that the data on such localized "greenhouse effect" should not be compared with data on global warming.Raising the temperature of the earth in a particular area may be due to two reasons. One is the heat dissipated by the wind turbines and associated electrical transformers and switches. Another factor may be a localized warming of the warm air, which is due to operation of wind turbines is moved from the upper to the lower layers of the atmosphere.What kind of threat is a "greenhouse effect" in a particular area? First, it is worth noting that the land on which wind turbines are installed and actively used by farmers to grow crops. Therefore, if the findings are confirmed, and the growth temperature of the earth affect the decline in yields, farmers will no longer use the land for agricultural purposes.This in turn could lead to a decrease in the production of cereals and other crops and as a consequence, the emergence of an unfavorable situation with the provision of food.
Storm clouds contribute to global warming: study.
The storm clouds, which are also known as deep convective clouds, are an important part of the climatic cycle. Due to their size, they represent a large portion of solar radiation back into space. However, a recent study showed that with the warm air and the storm clouds are sucking dirt particles in it. These particles inhibit the formation of large raindrops in the cloud, and as a consequence, the "return" of water on the ground as rain.This in turn leads to a further increase in the storm clouds that absorb more water vapor, which is, as scientists believe, a major factor in regional weather systems.
The researchers looked at two different types of storm systems - the warm summer thunderstorms in the southeast of China and the cool windy frontal systems on the Great Plains of Oklahoma. Simulated on a computer, "the storm", scientists have studied in detail how to develop cloud conditions change, such as wind speed and air pollution.They found that air pollution leads to increased summer thunderstorms until a severe storm, which is evidence of a warming effect. The researchers also noted that air pollution causes increased absorption of heat by storm clouds.According to Fan, the research findings are very important for modeling global warming, but they are calculated only on a particular day - when there are thunderstorms.
The negative impact of modern ecology to wildlife.
Problem atmosphere.
Ways of solving environmental problems.
Environment and Energy.
In today's world people to achieve the necessary degree of comfort to him, spends more and more energy. We
can not imagine my life without refrigerators, electric heaters
(kettles, microwave ovens), dishwashers and washing machines, computers,
and in the summer - without air conditioning. Now, instead of Power is a seasonal peak energy consumption, as it did 20 years ago - two: winter and summer. And, in conversations at the state level on the transition to energy-saving technologies in the home there is little change. None
of us are not ready to abandon the now familiar things, which really
must be confessed, make our lives easier, safer and more comfortable.However,
due to the fact that technology is constantly evolving, manufacturers
of energy-consuming products offer new and enhanced instruments, the
number of people enjoying the benefits of civilization, has been
steadily growing. As energy consumption increases and, above all, energy.Recent developments in Japan's nuclear power has once again made the world think about the safest ways to generate electricity. Thus,
in Bavaria, where about 60% of the electricity produced at nuclear
power plants, it was decided to gradually phase-out of electricity
produced at nuclear power plants, so that by 2020 fully switch to
alternative sources.Therefore,
energy, especially engineers and designers say something like this: We
do our best to ensure that our plants were the most environmentally
friendly. We do so in accordance with the current development of science and technology in this field. But
the needs of humanity's energy is growing faster than the development
of environmentally sound technologies generate electricity.It
is clear that the production of energy through the power of wind,
sunlight and heat the earth more environmentally friendly than the
energy produced from thermal and nuclear power plants. However, it is more expensive, but at the same time, the less stable. If
we consider the same Bavaria, there is hard to find places with a
strong constant winds, such as in Holland, sunny days a year, far less
than in Cyprus, and on the surface does not leave any geothermal
sources. Thus,
in parallel with the transition to alternative energy, humanity must
find ways to meet their needs through energy efficiency. Thus, simple replacement of fluorescent lighting to LED saves 50 to 90% of the electricity consumed for lighting. Plus go full cost of disposal of mercury-containing fluorescent lamps. But
high-quality LED lighting is now so expensive that at the current price
for electricity the payback period in Russia amounts to about two
years.Of course, replacing a light bulb, ordinary citizens do not save much. But
the competent government policy, including in the formation of economic
incentive for implementing energy-saving technologies at home and at
work will reduce the demand for electricity in our society and,
therefore, move at least a step towards a cleaner environment.
Ecology - a comprehensive science!
Ecology - a complex science. Speaking in a nutshell, it examines the relationship between the animate and inanimate nature. Wildlife - are living organisms (plants, animals, fungi, viruses) and their community. Inanimate nature - it is the habitat in which all living things (including people) there. Two Greek word "oikos" (house) and "logos" (the science) are the name of science "ecology" - means the science of the house. For a man - a residential building, for animals - forest, field, mountain, for the fish - sea, lakes and rivers. For all together - a whole planet. Shared
accommodation is sometimes like a fight for survival in space and time
in natural and artificially modified human conditions. Ecology
is designed to explore all the intricacies of the process of
co-existence of individual residents of our great "utility" of the
apartment and the impact on each other.Life on Earth is in full swing everywhere. Flora and fauna exists not for itself, it depends on its environment (climate, soil, water and air temperatures). In the long process of historical development of plants and animals have learned to adapt to existing environmental conditions.Many people mistakenly believe that ecology studies the issues related only to the environment. This occurred because of an incorrect interpretation of the implications of thoughtless human influence on the environment.In fact, the environment affects a much larger range of issues. So what matters is studying ecology?A. By nature environment in which organisms live. Highlights - is the climate and natural resources. Natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, the collapse) often lead to a breach of customary life, turning everything around.Two. Mutual existence of living organisms and their communities in the world among themselves. Violation
of the settled nature of the equilibrium between the different living
organisms (plants and herbivores feeding on them, herbivores and
predators).Three. Man's relation to nature is also the subject of study. Occurring
in the nature of the changes due to human intervention (deforestation,
construction of dams, construction of industrial plants ...). This violates the nature of nature, pollute the surrounding world, which has a negative effect on all life, including in humans.The main target of scientific research ecologists - nature itself. Environmentalists
are watching what is happening not only in the field, leaving the
expedition, but also in the stationary (laboratory) conditions. Long-term
observations are accompanied by conducting laboratory experiments,
followed by the extension of scientific theories to explain the
phenomena occurring.Only
by studying all the issues in the complex, you can get a full picture
of what is happening, to be able to predict the course of further
development.Only in recent time, mankind has been thinking about the importance of environmental issues. Due
to the results produced by research, you can try to anticipate and
learn how to prevent a devastating impact of negative factors. Environmental literacy is relevant to modern people.
Urban environmental problems.
Spring show who, where garbage !
That's the first rays of the sun delight citizens, is becoming warmer, the snow begins to melt, but at the same time opening up unflattering pictures, such as piles of garbageaccumulating all winter.
The snow hid incivility of some townspeople hid discarded cigarette butts and packs of cigarettes, could not see thousands of empty bottles of beer, almost could not see and the motley pack, the fact that the sale of plastic bags by itself may not ill, but that thatmost of these packages is happening in the future, how much extra waste is produced, I've written previously about possible solutions in this area, I think, is once again raise the subject.
Need packaging, which can be easily processed by Mother Nature
The snow hid incivility of some townspeople hid discarded cigarette butts and packs of cigarettes, could not see thousands of empty bottles of beer, almost could not see and the motley pack, the fact that the sale of plastic bags by itself may not ill, but that thatmost of these packages is happening in the future, how much extra waste is produced, I've written previously about possible solutions in this area, I think, is once again raise the subject.
Need packaging, which can be easily processed by Mother Nature
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