
Monday, June 11, 2012

Urban environmental problems.

Today's mega-cities - a center of trade and industry. Increasingly, citizens criticized large companies for polluting the environment, but in fact they harm - this is only part of the chain of the environmental problems that have long been settled in large cities.Initially, large industrial enterprises were built on the periphery of cities, but the expansion of residential areas has led to what people have to live side by side with the often injurious productions. Emissions of chemicals in the urban sky citizens make life unbearable. At best, people feel an unpleasant smell, and at worst - feel unwell due to poisoning of the body. Even if the company is not located in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, it's still poison the environment for several kilometers around. Emissions from the huge pipes of factories picked up by wind and rain cover in the form of the next areas. Wastewater, which often have a poisonous yellow, rushing small streams to large rivers, into the soil.Another environmental problem in cities are the exhaust gases of millions of cars that are daily in the many kilometers of traffic jams. Environmentally friendly cars who travel on an environmentally friendly fuel - now rather distant prospect, despite the high level of science in modern society. Change to bicycles and public transport cities residents do not want, and, hence, this problem does not lose its relevance for a long time. Exhaust gases in the degree of harmful impact on the environment ahead of the mills and factories. Harmful volatile substances in their composition have an adverse impact not only on the human body, but also to plants and animals, the city band. Affects the respiratory tract, reduced the required level of oxygen in the blood. Hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas can cause headaches, which have become familiar to urban dwellers.Considerable damage to the cities causing landfills. Tons of waste instead of processed, are delivered to the overcrowded landfills, or people have to breathe the smell of garbage piles, from the comfort of their own households. A terrible smell and crowds of rats - it's not the most terrible consequences uncollected garbage. Quite often, discarded wastes which contain toxic substances and therefore require special disposal.Build refineries are too expensive, easier to allocate new space for landfills and "enjoy" the new garbage mountain peaks that grow in the short term. The trees are cut down, giving way to high-rise buildings and large shopping centers, reducing the flow of air into the lungs of citizens.The modern city is being blackened lungs with patients with a dense cap of smog over the heads of its inhabitants. Key environmental issues are added washing machines in urban ponds, picnics in the parks, which make the already sparse green areas in the smaller versions of urban landfills.Mindless consumerism and the environment leads to a slow self-destruction of urban residents, which will last you as long as people do not realize the importance of solving existing environmental problems.

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