
Monday, June 11, 2012

Sources of pollution

Industry.The main anthropogenic factors in the development of the ecological crisis in Ukraine are primarily large industrial complexes - voracious consumers of raw materials, energy, water, air, land and space at the same time powerful sources of virtually all types of pollution (mechanical, chemical, physical, and biochemical). They are concentrated around the mineral deposits, major cities and bodies of water: in the Donetsk region, the Central Dnieper, Krivoi Rog, Carpathian, Kerch, Mariupol, most regional centers. Among these objects, hazardous environmental pollutants are the metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and engineering plants, quarries and processing plants, some of the military enterprise.In recent years Ukraine has been thrown into the atmosphere more than 100 million tons of harmful substances.Metallurgy and Energy - the major air pollutants - an annual yield, respectively, 35 and 32% of all pollution from stationary sources. Centers of industry and energy, and therefore, the centers of air pollution - a city of Makeyevka, Mariupol, Communard, Khartsyzsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk. Metallurgical enterprises are equipped with pollution control equipment only 30-50%. With few exceptions, this equipment is outdated or no is that it is not valid.The main polluters of the environment with heavy metals, particularly arsenic and lead, as well as sulfuric and nitric acids - non-ferrous metallurgy. This plant "Ukrtsink" in Konstantinovka, Dnieper Mercury Plant in Zaporozhye, Nikitovsky mercury plant and other enterprises of ferrous metallurgy - the main water pollutants are phenols, petroleum, sulfates.The main pollutants of the environment also belongs to the chemical industry, whose objects are thrown into the air sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other harmful substances. The biggest chemical industry enterprises located in the Carpathian region (Novorozdolsky sulfur plant, Kalush potash group), in the Donbass, in Sivash (in Krasnoperekopsk), Odessa, Sumy, Rivne (enterprise association "Nitrogen"). They pollute the environment is very dangerous toxicants - phosgene, vinyl chloride, hydrogen chloride, phenol, ammonia. Cause great harm to the nature of the chemical companies that produce pesticides (in Pervomaisk, Kalush, Mariupol, Dneprodzerzhinsk), synthetic products (business associations, "Man-made fiber," "Dneproshina", "Ukrnaftohim" etc.).The sad fact is that almost all chemical plants use outdated equipment, violate the boundaries of sanitary protection zones do not have sewage treatment plants, or have, but it is not effective.In the industry of Ukraine is the largest machine-building complex. For its development have developed quite favorable: the powerful metallurgical base, dense transportation network, large amounts of machinery and equipment, highly qualified personnel.Ukrainian machine-building plants produce a variety of products - from household appliances to sophisticated modern machines: equipment for nuclear power plants, space technology, turbine aircraft, which have no analogues in the world. The highest concentration of machine-building industry is characteristic of Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Krivoy Rog, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Donetsk.Engineering industry has a diversified structure (heavy metals, electronics, transport engineering, instrument-making, machine tools, etc.), and each branch has its own ecological characteristics of the composition and quantity of waste, toxic contaminants, the mode of their emissions into the atmosphere and with wastewater.Like other industries, mechanical engineering tends to be areas of industry, concentrated in the cities and "producing" large amounts of waste, polluting air, water and soil. Thus, only one in Dnepropetrovsk production association "Dneprotyazhmash" annually throws into the Dnieper 2365.2 thousand m3 of polluted runoff, plant rolls - 250 thousand m3. In Zaporozhye emissions Dnieper Electrode Plant is 35% citywide, with 80% of them contain carcinogenic substances of the first class of danger. More than 50% of all emissions to the atmosphere of this city makes software "Zaporizhstal" (more than 150 tons of pollutants annually). Electrical plants in the Ukraine for more than a hundred works, many of them (as well as instrument-and radio-electronic) built over the past decade, but some of these plants (Odessa "Agroagregati," Nicholas "Mikondi" metal-Chernivtsi, Dnepropetrovsk, "Southern Machine-Building" etc.), gas and water treatment facilities or broken or ineffective.To apply environmentally harmful and cement industries. The biggest problems it creates in the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions, contaminating the environment with dust, sulfuric anhydride, and nitrogen oxides. It is in those industries worst environmental activities are carried out, for example, the concentration of dust in their emissions by 5-10 times greater than the MAC. Contaminated with sewage is discharged into the rivers each year thousands of tons of organic matter, sediment, salts and other harmful compounds.Great harm to the topography, land, groundwater mining causes. In the region of the Donets Basin, in the triangle of Donetsk-Lugansk-Rubezhnoe, where are concentrated the most dirty, in terms of ecology, industry, mining, power generation facilities, military establishments, began the degradation of ecosystems, local landscapes. In Lisichansk Rubezhnyi-industrial area, for example, contaminated not only the surface but also underground water over an area of ​​120 km2. A 1417 waste heaps are constantly poison the atmosphere of harmful gases, selecting, in addition, thousands of hectares of fertile soil. In Samara the river with the Western Donbass mines cleared each year about 20 million m3 of highly mine water and about 60 million m3 of the same water from the mines of the Central Donbass. Salinity of water in rivers Ingul, Samara, Ingulets more natural background of 10 or more times. Only in the regions Ingulets Krivbass reset annually about 100 million m3 of wastewater. These rivers are polluted with heavy metals and radioactive substances (they come from the area of ​​deposits of uranium ore at Yellow Waters.On the hydrological regime also significantly affects the dust pollution from the quarrying of building materials (limestone, sand, granite, labradorite) in Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd areas.Energy.Heavily polluting energy facilities, particularly power plants and power plant. By absorbing a huge amount of oil, gas and coal, they emit millions of cubic meters of harmful gases, aerosols and soot, hundreds of hectares of land clutter slag and ash.In Ukraine, thermal power plants produce approximately 55-60% of electricity (about 37.6 MW), almost all of them are located in cities and are the largest among all energy companies polluting the environment. The main components of the pollutant - solid fuel combustion products (fly ash), sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen. Total emissions of energy companies reach 2.3-2.5 million tons / year.The rest of the energy produce hydro and nuclear power. The largest hydroelectric power are concentrated on the Dnieper (Kiev, Kanev, Kremenchug, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kakhovskaya). HPS are considered environmentally friendly. And in the process of creating a cascade of reservoirs on the Dnieper River was flooded about 7 km2 of beautiful fertile flood plains. During the period of its existence turned into the reservoir storage of waste and pollution from nearby regions. Now for the construction of hydropower stations and a reservoir flooded 100 hectares of coastal land, is much reduced intensity of self-purification of the Dnieper, on a regular basis is "blooming" of water, fish productivity and decreases, respectively - the performance of fisheries.When we nervously greeted "ladder" on the Dnieper hydropower. Even such an outstanding artist, as Alexander Dovzhenko, voted for Kakhovske sea, seeing in it a new birth of aesthetics, and yet another victory over the nature of the Shrew. It took a mere decade, to be sure: the victory, was given a great price, is fraught with the bitterness of defeat ... (VA Yavorivsky, Ukrainian writer and public figure).Ecologically unreasonable accommodation can be called on Ukrainian territory five nuclear power plants (14 units) - Chornobyl, Rivne, Khmelnytsky, Zaporizhzhya and South. Not only is the threat of new nuclear power plant accidents, but also adds a very complex problem of nuclear waste disposal in the near future (after the establishment of a resource set) the elimination and disposal of nuclear power plants themselves. This is a difficult, dangerous and expensive process.Objects of potential nuclear and radiation safety in Ukraine.Military activity has been and remains a source of danger to the environment. The military-industrial complex (MIC) consumes a huge amount of mineral raw materials and energy needed to manufacture military equipment. The army and navy burned in the engines of planes, tanks, vehicles, ships, boilers, military bases and units of the enormous amounts of fuel. The area of ​​land for landfills, the shooting range. Hunting farms for higher ranks, training centers exceeds 100 hectares. For the maintenance of the army, navy, defense enterprises spent a considerable part of the national budget of Ukraine. Cause great harm to the nature of tests of various types of weapons, as well as conduct maneuvers and exercises.In Ukraine, the density of the location of military targets - military bases, camps, arsenals, ammunition depots, storage of fuels and lubricants and rocket fuel, air and ground polygons, tank ranges, landfills and hazardous waste disposal sites, as well as the former silos, etc. - Very high. Many of these objects constitute a real and potential danger to the public and the environment, polluting the environment of chemicals, including heavy metals, increasing the background radiation, causing degradation of natural systems. There are cases referred to the negative impact of pollution on public health facilities (eg, near Pervomaysk Mykolaiv region). Treatment facilities at military factories and facilities, locations of military units mainly or completely absent, or their condition is unsatisfactory.Especially threatening situation is connected with the processing components of rocket fuel, which Ukraine has accumulated more than 20 tons of rocket fuel stores have no special means of neutralization of vapors (very toxic), its components, the life of reservoirs to store expired. To run the program of destruction and disposal of rocket fuel needed multi-million dollar cost that today our country can not afford. The military leadership, ignoring the serious environmental problems associated with the activity of the MIC, while trying to hide the real situation, hiding behind a veil of secrecy and preventing access to military facilities experts-ecologists.In the worst situation now in coastal areas, especially in Crimea. Here for decades military installations and ships polluted waters of the Black Sea. For example, in the Sevastopol Bay the concentration of oil to 180 times the MCL. Experts say that the ships and the shore of the Black Sea Fleet's day is thrown into the sea for more than nine thousand m3 of untreated sewage.Threat to the environment constitute a violation of the rules of military units of storage of fuels and lubricants (POL) and the operation of their transportation. As a result, losses, leaks and spills of petroleum products for a long time (sometimes decades) around military bases and airfields for miles around the contaminated surface and ground water.These abnormalities cause the appearance of the wells, ponds and rivers, "reserves" of oil and even toxicants and carcinogens - chromium, cadmium, lead, benzpyrene.Examples include the area of ​​the park in the White Church of Alexandria, the city and Uzin Vasilkov (Kiev region), Dubno (Rovno region), the Great steeper (Poltava region), Lakeside (Zhytomyr region), Chuguev (Kharkiv region), Luck, Kerch, Sevastopol,Chernivtsi.Many military units are not complied with the rules protecting the civilian population from the harmful effects of electromagnetic and radio frequency radiation from powerful radar.Pressing issues - the use of military forests and farmland.Transport - road, rail, water and air - another source of environmental pollution in Ukraine.Emissions of pollutants by motor vehicles on average per year is around 5.5 million tonnes (39% of the total emissions from Ukraine). In major cities, air pollution, exhaust fumes sometimes reaches 70-90% of the overall level of pollution. In addition, more than 20% of the vehicles operated in excess of established norms of harmful substances in exhaust gases.The transport network in Ukraine is quite dense, the number and activity of vehicles in cities large and the environmental damage it causes is very tangible. The main reasons for this - old engine design, fuel used (petrol, not gas or other less toxic substances), and poor organization of the movement, especially in urban areas, at intersections. In the exhaust gases, which emit our cars, there are about 280 different hazardous substances, among which are particularly dangerous carcinogenic benzpyrene, nitrogen oxides, lead, mercury, aldehydes, and sulfur oxides, carbon, soot, hydrocarbons.To transport the same cargo vehicles need 6.5 times more fuel than rail, and 5 times - the water. In Ukraine, operated by more than 1 million trucks and 2.5 million beyond the car. Each of these annual burns between 12 and 30 tons of high Russian gasoline, which is used as an antiknock lead (lead concentration in the gasoline is up to 0.36 g / l, whereas in the UK gasoline - 0.15, USA - 0.013 g / l). Exhaust gases of diesel engines of our much more toxic than gasoline, because they contain lots of carbon oxides, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur, and carbon black (up to 16-18 kg per ton of diesel fuel). From traffic emissions and noise affects all cities of Ukraine, especially the larger ones.Rail transport is environmentally friendly, especially electric. And the problem was the severe pollution of iron impurities which are thrown out of the lavatory. Contaminated by a strip of several meters along the track. In all civilized countries, toilets of trains equipped with special tanks, and sewage are thrown out. As a result, environmental and medical studies have shown that sewage pollution of the railways and their decomposition products, especially in the warmer seasons of the year, caused a disease of the stomach and lungs of many passengers and railway workers.Some damage to the Dnieper and its reservoirs, the Danube, Dniester, the Black and Azov seas causing water transport, primarily through non-compliance with traffic rules and the transfer of petroleum products, accidents, clean tankers, swabs, noise and vibration effects and waves that break down the shore reservoirs.Agriculture.For our rural areas is characterized by a contamination of natural water and soil with pesticides and fertilizers. Annual revenues of the fields in Ukraine exceed 90 tons and 4.5 million tons, respectively.Area of ​​land contaminated with persistent hloroorganicheskie drugs is about 8 million hectares in several hundred thousand acres of their content is much higher than the MAC. Of the 170 names of pesticides that are used in Ukraine, 49 is particularly dangerous. Recently, cases of the use of toxic pesticides, imported to Ukraine by Western firms, whereas in the West use of these drugs is prohibited.Of the total amount of mineral fertilizers applied to soils in Ukraine, on average, only 5-10% of their absorbed by plants. The remaining 90-95% is washed off by rain and melted snow, blown by winds and into rivers, lakes, ground waters, become harmful components of ecosystems. As a result, both the natural environment and agricultural products is almost universally contaminated with compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, often - radioactive elements (contained in the phosphate fertilizer), sometimes - heavy metals (copper, zinc, a significant excess of MPC are found in 5% of agricultural production) and the remnants of specific herbicides - simazine, atrazine, etc.Agricultural production in Ukraine is now more negative impact on the environment than a few decades ago. This is a consequence of irrational organization of land reclamation and unreasonable, technologically regulated the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as well as the mismanagement of their storage and transportation.Causing great harm to soils used in the fields of heavy agricultural machinery. She regularly pereuschilnyue soil, destroying the structure, reducing the saturation of the air, the activity rates of biochemical processes, erosion and protideflyatsiynu stability.Very tense ecological situation has developed around large livestock farms (within a radius of several kilometers), which is grown and more than 30-100 thousand head of cattle: they produce daily up to 2-3 tons of excrement, which in the household do not have time to process. Result of decomposition and decay of excreta are allocated large mass of ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, organic acids, evolving pathogenic microflora.Waste water from livestock farms within a radius of several kilometers pollute surface and groundwater, causing the death of fish and other aquatic organisms. Near these complexes is unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, there is an increased concentration of worms and bacteria. For miles from the complexes is carried by air currents stench.Municipal waste water.All acute environmental problem of Ukraine's cities, especially cities and resorts, it becomes clear the various municipal waste - domestic and industrial - and their processing. Every year in Ukraine reservoirs dropped to about 4 billion m3 of polluted runoff. Theoretically, the existing methods make it possible to purify waste water at 95-96% (although this is not enough), but in practice the treatment is at best 70-85%. Waste water to sanitary standards throughout the world (and we have even more) is associated with significant costs, so expect a better state of affairs in this area in the near future is not necessary. You can partially solve the problem by going to a closed circuit of water consumption in the workplace. The greatest amount of raw sewage dumped the city of Mariupol (253.8 million m3), Dnipropetrovsk (188 million m3), Zaporozhye (65 million m3), Kiev (29 million m3). In general, all the major cities of Ukraine pollute the aquatic environment, albeit in a relatively smaller scale. The reasons are the same - old equipment, and even the lack of treatment facilities, emergency discharges (there is more than 250 per year).Physical contamination.Hazardous pollutants on the environment include facilities that generate strong physical fields - electromagnetic radiation, noise, ultra-and infrasound, thermal, vibration (large radio stations, district heating, radar, substations, transmission lines, relay stations, special physical laboratories and facilities cyber centers, nuclear power plants, etc.). The concentration of these facilities in Ukraine is also very high, especially in industrial areas and major cities.Geoanomalni zone.When planning for economic development of Ukraine, its recreational areas must take into account the influence of geoanomalnih (geoenergoanomalnih) areas as human health and biota, as well as the stability of foundations, slopes, and structures.Geoanomalni areas usually coincide with geological anomalies - faults, cracks in the crust, parts of a large concentration of tectonic stress, high heat flux from the bowels of the earth, karst, underground water streams, ore nodes, deposits of metal ores, etc. They are characterized by gravity, thermal, electromagnetic, geochemical anomalies, active migration of gases and fluids in the crust, increased seismic activity.In its form geoanomalni zone - a strip line and circular formations of different diameters.The largest of these bands, or lineaments, interpreted on satellite images of different parts of the Earth, in particular, and in Ukraine.Energy flows coming from the bowels of the earth affect the biochemical processes in living organisms, controlling the conditions of existence of all living creatures, including humans. This effect may be twofold - either negative or positive. Depending on this distinction geopozitivni (favorable) and geopathic (harmful) zones and areas. If the house is built on geopathic area, its people feel bad (reduced immunity, efficiency, and increased risk of diseases, especially cancer, etc.). Our ancestors knew this and never built housing and churches in these "perilous" places.In our time zone geoanomalni are found, mapped and studied using different methods, the main of which - dowsing and remote. Dowsing method are particularly sensitive people, the so-called biooperatorov. The main "working tool" in this method - he biooperatorov as an indicator that indicates the strength and sign of the energy field (geobiopolya) of any part of the Earth, is a special metal frame (previously used a stick in the form of a letter V, is why, in fact, called such Professional lozohodtsem).

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