
Monday, June 11, 2012

Russia was buried under the waste !

Of the four billion rubles received by the federal budget in 2010 in fines for environmental damage, the elimination of harm in the country spent 35 million However, even today, the MEP can not precisely delineate the extent of the disaster.Only it is estimated (no piles of inventory, of course, did not hold), in Russia, 90 billion tons of stored waste - domestic and industrial. And these 90 billion - only a small part of an inheritance that we leave each year and leave thousands of factories. Many have long disappeared from the directories of existing enterprises, and now exist solely as an environmentally hazardous pockets on the map. These centers, in an uncertain estimate of profile ministries, thousands of them. 194-m objects in the Ministry of Natural Resources (again, in the eyes) was given the status of "hot spots". Owners can not (they were lost during the privatization of leapfrog) willing to pay for someone else's mismanagement - even more so.Deputy head of state regulation in the field of waste treatment and elimination of the accumulated damage to the department of public policy and regulation in the field of environmental protection and ecological security of the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources Burkanov Olga offers to distribute responsibility for the abandoned territory between the executive authorities. If the land on which is piled a dangerous object that is included in the federal jurisdiction - the money spends the Russian budget, if it is in the ownership of the subject - the subject, and if the municipality - local governments.This model is described at a meeting of an official in the Public Chamber and present it together with the draft federal law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of regulation of compensation (eliminate) harm to the environment, including those associated with past economic activity)." In addition to the separation of powers document (in the near future it is planned to submit to the Government Code) requires maintenance of the state registry of such areas, the creation of public-private partnerships and tax incentives for businesses, which (who knows how to do) with his flock billion in a project to improve the does not belong to them woods and ponds.Alas, neither the report nor after, responding to criticism, Burkanov not explain how the "poor" would get the money for municipal landfills and eliminating their restoration, not told what to do if part of the natural complex will be subordinated to the Federal Executive, and the other - subject. Do not mention Burkanov and that the same registry, which it presents as a guide innovation, in fact, is there since 2002, but over the years replenished only once. This reminded ekokontrolya head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), Natalia Sokolova, who, in spite of departmental affiliation, took a surprisingly aggressive stance."We have to take us to the law. We must rid the country of waste. Necessary. A clear way - she specified. - Where are we going to export them and how to neutralize or recycle? The country has 389 companies on the disposal. Of these, more than half - complexessort. processing complexes Really no more than 60 (including 40 combustion plants). "According to Sokolova, Russia processed a maximum of 3.5% of municipal solid waste (MSW), while, for example, in the U.S. - about 30%, while in Europe - more than 25%.But in 1399 the country runs a legal placement of solid waste facilities and seven thousand "authorized" landfills - permitted by local authorities, but in fact uncontrolled.The main flow of garbage buried in landfills unauthorized, of which only statistics Rosprirodnadzor, we have about 22.5 thousand It is about 50 thousand hectares, entirely covered with waste. And they are not talking about is not found dumps, do absolutely nowhere."Without solving the problem of infrastructure, we will not solve any problem of the elimination of accumulated environmental harm, or minimizing the problem of newly generated waste, nor the problem of runoff treatment facilities," - said Sokolov, he immediately turned his attention to another bill that has already been adopted in first reading in the DG. It is "On the economic revitalization of waste management.""Without incentives and guarantees no infrastructure investment will not, - said speaking. - Contracts are for one year on the basis of competitions held by the investor and do not give any guarantee that this object is constructed, the year he wins the competition for its operation. Also benefits Tax on profits and property are no more benefits there - no land tax or lease payment. As there are no guarantees on tariffs, which are reviewed each year. "The bill in its original version of their thought. He also suggested the creation (or rather, the restoration of the abolished) established environmental funds and a ban on the disposal of certain wastes in 2030 as a potentially recycled. However, according to Sokolova, "all these rules were rejected by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and the Ministry of Regional Development - ten pages left almost bare text. Only thing left there, - the introduction of financial responsibility of the manufacturer (importer) for the disposal of products."The idea is that since January 1, 2010 the first waste is not prohibited to place only at the sites included in the special register of the MEP. But the Ministry of Natural Resources simply do not maintain this registry. Therefore, 96.5% of waste in the Russian Federation are located, and nobody knows where. Rosprirodnadzor has recently initiated the formation of an interactive map of unauthorized dumps - worked on the basis of environmental hot line calls, which operate for four years, inspectors raid the territorial services and signals from the volunteers. This card may appear in the free Internet access in the next year."Why Rosprirodnadzor is in part of waste management is currently implementing such works is because the waste - this is still a minimum, to get you started, and that at least can be fixed - explained Sokolov. - Unfortunately, the water bodies is almost unknown, and on Air Basin, in principle, we can not track violations - only if we take the technical documentation and a purely mathematical way to calculate how much hazardous substances were released into the air. "Just waste Rosprirodnadzor also distinguished by the degree of importance. And engaged in basic, everyday. "Because the waste industry, we have more or less reliable statistics on domestic and no accountability, no payments - Sokolov recognized. - Here's the play we are now trying to fill.""But we have to understand - she added - that even on legal sites for placement of solid waste in compliance with applicable regulations and operating rules, can be placed and industrial waste is the third, fourth and fifth classes of risk, and construction waste, and in February of this year - and even medical waste, Class B (ie, an extremely dangerous - "Rosbalt"). "It is assumed that such waste should be disposed of at special facilities, but according to Sokolova, these facilities in the country - one. In the end, until the Ministry of Natural Resources are developing legislation to eliminate the "lessons of environmental harm," across the country grow new centers ekoopasnosti. And all of these centers together the federal budget is spending 35 million rubles per year (regions, which receive 80% of the paid fines, costs not much more). Although trials with companies violators losses are estimated in the billions.Sergei Simak, Judge OP RF, described as "flawed" the very structure of the Ministry of nature protection legislation, "from which it will continue to grow handicap law enforcement." "Solving the problem just yesterday, we program a situation where the problems of today are tomorrow's problems" - he warned, and, alternatively, advised to think about the creation of the institute of environmental liability insurance industrialists."Only a small number of objects is now subject to compulsory insurance - have Simak. - Must be conceptually raise the question of expanding the range of objects." However, Olga Burkanov, representing the House Natural Resources, snapped back that you should start small.If only all started.

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